
An overview of the services you offer and how they will benefit the visitor.

Kitchen tips 1

A short paragraph describing exactly what this service offers and how it helps clients. This is your chance to convince the visitor that your business is the right choice for them.

Kitchen tips 2

A short paragraph describing exactly what this service offers and how it helps clients. This is your chance to convince the visitor that your business is the right choice for them.

Kitchen tips 3

A short paragraph describing exactly what this service offers and how it helps clients. This is your chance to convince the visitor that your business is the right choice for them.


Anti-inflammatory foods fight inflammation and consist of fruits and vegetables, lean meats, fatty
fish, nuts, olive oil, and avocado oil.

You can transform your body when you are mindful of what you eat and how you live. The body craves nutrition to function at its best. Think of putting gas in a race car; you want to put the best gas you can so the car functions and drives optimally. It’s the same with our bodies. The food you consume can have a significant impact on overall health. When a person eats foods that are highly processed and high in sugar, it will raise inflammation in your body, creating a higher risk for disease and other health issues. When you fill your body with highly nutritious foods and adequately hydrate yourself, you will notice you have more energy, your mood improves, and your brain thinks more clearly.

The “baby steps” method begins little by little. Taking steps to change your diet is not a process
that should be rushed since it can lead to burnout and overwhelm. The first step is to make healthy choices. Second, update your pantry with healthier options. Fill your pantry with healthy, minimally processed foods. It’s best to start with the pantry and refrigerator since these are the first places we reach when hungry. It’s not about depriving your body but choosing more nutritious options for the foods you love. If you need help with this, I can assist you. You can download my pantry guide to get a list of items I keep on hand in my pantry. Another option is to schedule a consultation for food coaching if you’d like 1:1 help. I would be pleased to assist you
wherever I can during your health journey.

Since I’ve been married to my husband (a physician specializing in pain management) for a decade, who has taught me how important it is to reduce inflammation. I have researched and educated myself about using food as medicine and discovered that the foods we choose to eat might dictate the level of inflammation in our bodies. I have an auto-immune disease that can cause inflammation, so I do what I can to help reduce any unnecessary inflammation in my system. It’s important to know I am not perfect, and I try not to pressure myself to be so strict with food that I feel restricted. When I am at home, I choose to make clean choices. But when I am on vacation or out to dinner, I will eat what I want while also being mindful.

Due to my dedication, I consumed myself with this new diet and lifestyle and completely burned out. As a result of being so strict with my diet, I felt worse and had to take a step back. Moderation was the key to living a healthier life. In addition, I had to develop a healthier mindset. It is easier to be healthy and eat well with a healthy mind.

At the age of nine years old I received my first cookbook and have been cooking ever since! Cooking wasn’t something I knew how to do from the start, but I learned through experimentation and self-teaching. My obsession with food goes back a long way. I truly love food and all that it brings to people, whether it be through nutrition or art. It’s a vast love!

Yes! I have been married for seven years to my wonderful husband, Ashu. We met 9 years ago and have been inseparable ever since. He’s a wonderful man who has taught me so much in the time we have been together.

We do not. We are thinking about adopting in the next couple of years, but for right now we are focused on our careers and our two fur babies, Davinci and Lucina. If you follow me on Instagram, they make a regular appearance.