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Pizza dough

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 4 hours


  • 2 cups of double 00 flour.
  • 2 cups of lukewarm filtered water.
  • 1 tbsp of active dry yeast
  • 1 tbsp of sea saltĀ 
  • Olive oil for drizzling


  • In a large bowl, place the Double O flour, salt, and yeast. Mix well with a fork.
  • Slowly pour in your filtered water a little at a time while you continue mixing with your fork. Make sure not to oversaturate the dough with water if you want your dough to be nice and firm, but not sticky and not too dry.
  • Using your hands, start kneading the dough as you're adding water until the desired texture is formed. Once you have a ball of dough formed, place it on a floured surface, and using your hands, start kneading. Push the dough away from you and then pull it back towards you. Continue this process for about five to seven minutes.
  • Add flour if necessary if the dough is too sticky and add a little bit of moisture if the dough seems to be too dry.
  • When you are done kneading the dough, place it in a large bowl and drizzle it with olive oil. Allow the dough to rise in a dark place, covered. And then after that, let the dough riseĀ for one to four hours. The longer you let it rise, the better the dough will be.
  • When the dough is done rising, cut the dough into four separate balls and place them on a cookie sheet. Let the dough sit for about 30 minutes before you're ready to use it.